butch4cricket invites you to a day of cricketing excellence at Barnes Cricket Club on Sunday 2nd July. A cricketing experience for the whole family, the day will consist of first class cricket coaching demonstrations, hosted by the renowned Butcher family interspersed with cricket coaching for children by butch4cricket and culminating in an exclusive panel discussion with Butch, (Leicestershire and Gloucestershire), Alan (England, Surrey, Glamorgan and Head Coach of Zimbabwe and Surrey), Mark (England, Surrey and Sky TV Presenter), Gary (Surrey and Glamorgan, and Sports Coach at Kings College Wimbledon). The day will be hosted by daytime Magic Radio and Magic Soul Presenter Angie Greaves and there will be a live performance from singer/songwriter Susie Webb who tours, records and performs extensively with some of the most legendary and iconic artists in the business such as Queen, The Who, Sting, Lionel Ritchie and Pavarotti. On the day there will be a cash BBQ and plenty of refreshments from the wonderful people down at Barnes CC.
So bring the family down for a unique cricketing experience. More surprises on the day...
Children under 5 for free.
Visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-butchers-in-a-class-of-their-own-tickets-34360518235#tickets for more information